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What If Classroom Management Were Fun?!

Transform your classroom into a game and see how your students’ deepened engagement can supercharge your lessons.


You can Gamify Any Classroom and Transform your classes into an immersive adventure and take student motivation and collaboration to the next level.

What Is Gamification?

Put simply, Gamification is the use of gaming principles in the field of education in order to get students involved, engaged, and excited about learning. Gamification introduces concepts like badges, levels, achievements, and game points to the classroom. Students are rewarded with these concepts when they succeed, but are not penalized when they don’t. By introducing a system of rewards without harsh penalties, students are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone and fail. By removing their fear of failure we subconsciously encourage them to learn.

By gamifing your classroom, you provide exciting incentives for learning while also promoting teamwork, healthy competition, and a safe, fun classroom culture. You’ll see both learning and classroom management improve (Pappas, 2013).


Pappas, C. (2013). The Gamification Guide For Teachers. [Blog] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2017].

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